Founded in 2018, the Center of Light Foundation is a committed, nonprofit organization that strives to uplift and empower individuals to discover their inherent value and self-worth, achieve enlightenment, and generously contribute their unique gifts to society.
Located in Memphis, TN and Washington, D.C., the foundation is spearheaded by Keith Anthony Blanchard and Rev. Dr. Katie Kamara, both of whom are renowned spiritual teachers and counselors.
Founded in 2018, the Center of Light Foundation is a committed, nonprofit organization that strives to uplift and empower individuals to discover their inherent value and self-worth, achieve enlightenment, and generously contribute their unique gifts to society.
Located in Memphis, TN and Washington, D.C., the foundation is spearheaded by Keith Anthony Blanchard and Rev. Dr. Katie Kamara, both of whom are renowned spiritual teachers and counselors.
Founded in 2018, the Center of Light Foundation is a committed, nonprofit organization that strives to uplift and empower individuals to discover their inherent value and self-worth, achieve enlightenment, and generously contribute their unique gifts to society.
Located in Memphis, TN and Washington, D.C., the foundation is spearheaded by Keith Anthony Blanchard and Rev. Dr. Katie Kamara, both of whom are renowned spiritual teachers and counselors.
Our mission at Center of Light Foundation is to serve as a beacon of hope and support for those who are spiritually repressed and oppressed.
We aim to provide everyone with the necessary tools and techniques to foster an inclusive, spiritually aligned and equitable world through a holistic approach that includes:
meditation, self-reflection, creative writing, visual arts, and more. Center of Light Foundation facilitates personal and spiritual growth that inspires and empowers others.
Spiritual Teacher, Author, and Founder at Center of Light Foundation.
“I Am a Soul of Light, here on this Earth, using my God-given gifts to bless the union of all people.”
Founder of Kamara Holistic Connections, Co-Founder and Partner at Center of Light Foundation and Ordained Minister & Spiritual Teacher at the Universal Christ Church
“If I can chase one tear away from you, if I can make you smile, if I can light a candle of hope in your heart, if I can remind you that all of life adores you, and if I can shine a light on the darkness that surrounds you, then I have loved as God loves, I am satisfied.”
Swamiji’s mission is to make peace attainable, spirituality a realized reality, and an objective of humanity.
“I am That which is in constant communication with everything at all times, forever. Take from Me what you need, but share your abundance with everyone; this is the way.”
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©2024 by Center of Light Foundation. You are loved beyond measure!